
2020 Voluntary Resignation Scheme

The corona crisis is having a huge impact on KLM. The road to recovery is expected to be long and there will be less work than before for some time to come. While numerous measures have already been taken to help navigate KLM through this unprecedentedly difficult period, it is clear that more needs to be done. Against this backdrop, KLM is now expanding the option for employees of leaving our company voluntarily with financial compensation.

The 2020 Voluntary Resignation Scheme (2020 VRS) will be open for registration to all KLM employees from 1 June and anticipates on necessary next steps. The new scheme could create more room for KLM employees who remain in service, therefore limiting forced redundancies as far as possible in the future. KLM would rather bid farewell to employees who choose to do so themselves, as opposed to colleagues who do not voluntarily choose to do so.